Writing More Expressive Ruby with the it Shorthand

Ruby is a language that consistently evolves to make code more expressive, concise, and readable. With the release of Ruby 3.4, one of the exciting new features introduced is the use of it as a shortcut for the first parameter in a block. This enhancement aims to simplify code, especially in situations where blocks are used extensively, reducing the need to explicitly declare block parameters.

In this post, we’ll explore how the it shorthand works, why it was introduced, and when it’s useful.

What Is the it Shorthand?

The it keyword is now an implicit reference to the first block parameter. This means that instead of having to define a block parameter explicitly, you can use it as a reference within the block, improving both readability and brevity.

Here’s a comparison between the traditional approach and the new it shorthand:


[1, 2, 3].map { |num| num * 2 }

Using it:

[1, 2, 3].map { it * 2 }

In this example, it implicitly refers to the first parameter passed to the block, which in this case is each element of the array. This removes the need to explicitly name the block parameter (num), making the code shorter and easier to read, especially in simple cases like this.

Why Introduce the it Shorthand?

Ruby has always emphasized developer happiness, and one of its core principles is that code should be as intuitive and concise as possible. The introduction of it follows this philosophy by:

  1. Reducing Boilerplate: In many cases, block parameters are used without any transformations or complex logic. Instead of repeatedly declaring a single block variable, it provides a clean and simple alternative.

  2. Improving Readability: For developers familiar with other languages like Scala or Kotlin, where similar features exist (_ or it being used for block parameters), this change brings Ruby more in line with modern syntactic trends, making code easier to follow at a glance.

  3. Encouraging Simplicity: For straightforward blocks that only work with a single parameter, using it can encourage more concise expressions, promoting the Ruby style of clean, minimal code.

Examples of Using it

Let’s look at a few examples where it can improve readability and reduce the need for explicit parameter declarations.

Example 1: Using map with it

# Before
[1, 2, 3].map { |n| n + 1 }

# Using `it`
[1, 2, 3].map { it + 1 }

In this case, it refers to each element of the array, making the operation simpler to read and write.

Example 2: Selecting Elements from an Array

# Before
words = %w[apple orange banana]
filtered_words = words.select { |word| word.length > 5 }

# Using `it`
filtered_words = words.select { it.length > 5 }

Here, the block becomes more concise by eliminating the need to declare the block variable word.

Example 3: Sorting with it

# Before
numbers = [3, 1, 4, 2]
sorted_numbers = numbers.sort_by { |num| num }

# Using `it`
sorted_numbers = numbers.sort_by { it }

For simple sorting operations where only the first parameter is used, the it shorthand significantly reduces the visual clutter.

When Should You Use it?

While it is a great tool for improving readability, it’s important to recognize when it is appropriate to use and when it’s better to stick with explicit block parameters.

Good Use Cases:

When to Avoid it:

For example:

# Avoid using `it` in complex or nested blocks
some_data.each do |item|
  item.nested_data.map { |nested_item| nested_item.do_something(it) }  # This would be unclear

In this scenario, using it in a nested context can lead to confusion about which parameter is being referred to. Explicitly naming parameters is preferable here.