REPL in Ruby 2.7: A Richer and More User-Friendly Command Line Experience

Ruby 2.7 brought several exciting enhancements, one of the most notable being the improvement to the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) experience, specifically through an updated irb (Interactive Ruby Shell). These improvements significantly enhance the developer experience, making Ruby’s interactive shell more powerful and user-friendly.

1. Syntax Highlighting

One of the first things you’ll notice in Ruby 2.7’s irb is the introduction of syntax highlighting. This feature adds color to different parts of your code—keywords, strings, variables, and more. This makes it much easier to read and understand what’s happening, especially in more complex code snippets.


irb(main):001:0> def greet(name)
irb(main):002:1>   puts "Hello, #{name}!"
irb(main):003:1> end
=> :greet

irb(main):004:0> greet("Alice")
Hello, Alice!
=> nil

Here, the syntax highlighting makes the method definition and string interpolation stand out, allowing you to quickly scan and understand the code.

2. Improved Autocompletion

Ruby 2.7 has introduced a more robust autocompletion feature. This means you can now type the beginning of a method, constant, or variable name and hit Tab to see available options. This is particularly useful when working with unfamiliar code or libraries.


irb(main):005:0> "hello".upc # Press Tab
upcase    upcase!  

Autocompletion reduces the cognitive load on the developer by providing quick access to available methods without having to remember the exact names.

3. Multi-line Editing

In previous versions of Ruby, working with multi-line code in irb could be cumbersome. Ruby 2.7 introduces a much-needed improvement: you can now easily navigate through and edit multi-line code before executing it.


irb(main):006:0> def addition(a, b)
irb(main):007:1>   result = a + b
irb(main):008:1>   puts result
irb(main):009:1> end

If you realize you need to change something in the middle of the code, you can now use the arrow keys to navigate and edit any line before hitting Enter to execute.

4. Shell Commands Integration

The updated irb in Ruby 2.7 also integrates better with shell commands. You can run shell commands directly from irb without leaving your session, which streamlines the workflow.


irb(main):010:0> `ls`
=> "Gemfile\\napp\nconfig\n"

This integration allows for a more seamless experience when you need to interact with the file system or run shell scripts while coding.

5. Persistent History

The command history in irb is now persistent between sessions. This means that when you exit irb and come back later, you can still access the commands you used in previous sessions.


irb(main):011:0> history  # Shows previous commands even after restarting irb

Persistent history is a huge time-saver as it allows you to revisit and reuse code without having to retype or remember what you did in your last session.

The improvements to irb in Ruby 2.7 make it a more powerful tool for developers. Whether you’re writing quick scripts, experimenting with new ideas, or debugging complex code, these enhancements ensure that your workflow is smoother and more efficient. If you haven’t explored the new features yet, now is the perfect time to upgrade your Ruby version and take them for a spin!