Introducing Rate Limiting in Rails 7.2

Rails 7.2 has introduced a new and powerful feature: rate limiting. This addition allows developers to control the number of requests made to specific sections of their application. Unlike in the past, where implementing rate limiting required additional tools like Rack Attack and Redis, this new feature offers a clean, integrated solution.

What is Rate Limiting in Rails 7.2?

Rate limiting in Rails 7.2 is implemented as a before_action in controllers. It enables developers to set restrictions on the number of requests that can be made within a given time frame. This can be particularly useful for controlling access to certain parts of your application, managing API request volumes, or limiting authentication attempts.

Common Use Cases

Here are some scenarios where you might want to use rate limiting:

How to Implement Rate Limiting

Implementing rate limiting in Rails 7.2 is straightforward. Here’s a basic example:

class BooksController < ApplicationController
  rate_limit to: 10, within: 20.seconds

In this example, the BooksController is configured to allow a maximum of 10 requests within a 20-second window. If an IP address exceeds this limit, further requests will be blocked.

How It Works

The rate limiting feature uses the Rails cache to store request data. By default, it tracks requests based on the remote IP address. For each client IP, Rails creates individual “buckets” that monitor the number of requests within the specified time frame.

Handling Exceeded Limits

If a client exceeds the defined limit, Rails will respond with an HTTP status code 429 Too Many Requests. This status indicates that the client has been blocked from making further requests within the current window. Notably, the response will not contain any content, as is typical with rate limiters—just a notification that the limit has been reached. The status code 429 can be customized if needed.

A Cleaner, Simpler Approach

Before Rails 7.2, implementing rate limiting often required third-party tools like Rack Attack and additional dependencies like Redis. Now, with this built-in feature, Rails provides a simpler and more streamlined approach to managing request volumes, reducing the need for external libraries and making it easier to maintain your application.